Philadelphians Roll Up their Sleeves For the 16th Annual ‘I Bleed for Preston & Steve’ Blood Drive

The 16th Annual ‘I Bleed For Preston & Steve’ Blood Drive, held in conjunction with the American Red Cross, collected 778 units of blood! 98 of the attendees that participated were first time blood donors.

Preston & Steve Show members, along with WMMR On Air Personalities Pierre Robert, Jacky Bam Bam, Brent Porche, and Sara made appearances throughout the day to greet and thank donors.

Participants received the latest Preston & Steve t-shirt and this year’s pint glass courtesy of Window Nation. In addition, they received complimentary Everfresh Juice in the recovery area.

Many thanks to Live! Casino and Hotel Philadelphia as well as The Greater Philadelphia Expo Center in Oaks for serving as location hosts for the event.

The blood drive was presented by Virtua Health and Recovery Centers of America.