Heidi Raphael

Heidi Raphael Named Co-Chair of Library of American Broadcasting Foundation

Congratulations to Heidi Raphael, Chief Communications Officer at Beasley Media Group, on being named Co-chair of the LABF, effective immediately. She will join Hubbard Radio Chief Executive Officer Ginny Morris as co-chair of the organization.

Pierre Bouvard, Gary Chapman, Erica Farber, David Kennedy, Dr. Judy Kuriansky and Heidi Raphael have been re-elected to a three-year term on the Board of Directors.  In addition, Ginny Morris, Gary Chapman, David Kennedy and Jack Goodman will continue to serve additional two-year terms on the Executive Committee. Many thanks to Larry Patrick, who is transitioning off from his longtime responsibilities as Finance Chair. He will continue to serve on the board.

Other current board members include: Heather Birks, Marci Burdick, Michael Carter, April Carty-Sipp, Gary Chapman, Chandra Clark, John Dille, Jack Goodman, Harry Jessell, Erwin Krasnow, Richard Leibner, Jim Morley, Larry Patrick, Walter Podrazik, Patricia Smullin, Jeff Smulyan, John Taylor, Joyce Tudryn, Dennis Wharton and Ramsey Woodworth. 

The Library of American Broadcasting is pleased to welcome the following new board members to the organization:  Julie Talbott- President/Premiere Networks, Brian Philips – Executive Vice President of Content and Audience/ Cumulus Media, Inc., Dave “Chachi” Denes- President, Benztown/Benztown Radio Networks and Executive Producer/Benztown + McVay Media Podcast Networks and Mike Conway, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Journalism/ Indiana University Media School.

“It is an absolute honor and a privilege to serve as Co-chair of the Library of American Broadcasting Foundation,” said Raphael. “Many thanks to Ginny Morris for her tireless dedication over the past eight years as the sole Chair of the organization. I would also like to extend my sincere gratitude to the entire board, executive committee and new board members as we continue to support the LABF’s mission and celebrate broadcasting’s 100-year anniversary!”

“The LABF and industry are lucky to have Heidi lend her tremendous talents and leadership to furthering the work of preserving our past, reflecting our present and informing our future,” said Morris.

The Library of American Broadcasting Foundation serves the philanthropic arm of the Library of American Broadcasting, the nation’s most extensive collection of broadcast history, policy and tradition, including historical documents, professional papers, oral and video histories, books, scripts and photographs preserved at the University of Maryland. In addition, the LABF, in conjunction with the International Radio & Television Society (IRTS), presents the Annual Giants of Broadcasting Event, which pays tribute to trailblazers in the radio and television industry.

For more information, please visit www.libraryofamericanbroadcastingfoundation.org.