Beasley Media Group SWFL Sets New Record with Marine Toys for Tots Foundation

Beasley Media Group’s Southwest Florida radio stations partnered with the Marine Toys for Tots Foundation of Lee County to host the 2nd Annual Beasley Bike Drive. WXKB-FM, WJPT-FM, WRKX-FM, WWCN-FM, WRXK-HD2 and WJBX-AM collected 947 bikes and $17,750 in gift cards and cash.

The six stations joined forces on Tuesday, December 10th from 6:00 AM to 6:00 PM to benefit the Toys for Tots Foundation at Wal-Mart in Estero, Florida to broadcast live and encourage listeners and businesses to stop by and donate a bike or unwrapped toy.

“Thanks to everyone who helped make Christmas special for many children in Southwest Florida,” Vice President Market Manager, Brad Beasley. “Because of our thoughtful listener and clients, many needy children in the area will have a nice Christmas.”

“WXKB’s Morning Host Big Mama was a superstar and led the charge of the Beasley Bike Drive,” said Operations Manager, Adam Star. “I am proud of the Fort Myers cluster and what they were able to accomplish in one day! There are going to be a lot of smiles in our community during the holidays this year.”   

“I always make miracles happen, but on this day, Southwest Florida made thousands of miracles happen,” said WXKB’s Jason “Big Mama” Jones. “The magic of a Christmas miracle happened right before my own eyes.”