BENFM Radiothon

95.7 BEN FM’s Adopt A Family Radio-thon Brings Holiday Hope & Happiness to Thousands of Families in Philadelphia

Beasley Media Group’s95.7 BEN FM held its station’s 10th annual Adopt A Family Radio-thon to benefit local families in need this holiday season. The broadcast took place from 6am to 6pm on Friday, December 3, 2021 at the Beasley Media Group Philadelphia studios.

Station Morning Host and Program Director Kristen Herrmann was joined by celebrity guests from 6ABC as they encouraged listeners to make a donation to assist Volunteers of America Delaware Valley’s Adopt A Family Program in purchasing meals, clothing, and gifts for less fortunate families in their shelters and in the surrounding community.

Funds collected during this year’s event assisted more than 1000 local families, the largest number in most in its decade-long run!

“Our 10th Annual 95.7 BEN FM Adopt A Family Radiothon! As cheesy as it sounds, the day completely warmed my heart… again,” said Morning Host and Program Director, Kristen Herrmann. “The generosity of our listening audience continues to amaze me. Thanks so much to Volunteers of America Delaware Valley and 6ABC for partnering with us again this year. I\’m already looking forward to the Adopt A Family Radiothon 2022.”

“From the bottom of my heart and on behalf of the entire Volunteers of America Delaware Valley family, I want to say thank you to 95.7 Ben FM and especially to Kristen Herrmann who is second to none,” said Daniel L. Lombardo, President and CEO of Volunteers of America Delaware Valley. “The generosity of this station and of the listeners in the Greater Philadelphia region has been transformative for the last ten years. We could not do what we do in bringing holiday gifts  to those less fortunate without the Ben FM Adopt A Family Radiothon. We had such a rocking good time listening to the show, and the wonderful guests you brought on – especially Karen Rogers and the 6ABC team. Thank you, happy holidays, and we look forward to being with you again for another ten years!”